Classical world / Classics

Classical world / Classics.

The Roman World This is a free course by Rhiannon Evans, a lecturer at LaTrobe University that gives students knowledge on how to deal with the cultural history of ancient Rome. The students will then explore the way war enters into parts of Rome.

Hannibal Discussion This is a free course by Stanford University where Patrick Hunt discusses the name Hannibal that evoked fear among the ancient Romans for decades.

Ancient Wisdom & Modern Love This is a free course presented by Prof. David O’Connor, a lecturer at Notre Dame University.

Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Here Prof. David O’Connor, a lecturer at Notre Dame University discusses various topics of this case in various videos. The course also includes exams that are done after a certain percentage of the course is completed.

Free Course on Introduction to Classic World. The unit provides online students with an insight into the classical world by introducing them to various sources of information used to draw together an image of this fascinating period of history.

The History of Ancient Greek: An Introduction. A lecturer from Yale University, Prof. Donald Kagan gives the students’ knowledge tracing the development of Greek civilization as manifested in political, intellectual and creative achievements from the Bronze Age to the end of the classical period.

Classical Greek Civilization: The Heroic and the Anti-Heroic The free course lecture series is given by Prof. Gregory Nagy, PhD gives recorded video lectures from Harvard University. The course is driven by a sequence of dialogues that lead the students through some major works of ancient Greek classics.

Anatomy of Virgil’s Aeneid Here a lecture from Stanford University, Susanna Braund takes the students through the epic poem in twelve books composed under the Roman emperor Augustus.

Ancient Israel: General View. This is a free course offered online in form of a set of YouTube videos by Daniel Fleming, a lecturer at New York University. The course focuses on the history of Israel as it developed to the present Israel.

The Architecture of Roman This is a free course offered by Yale University and lectured by Prof Kleiner who will introduce to the students a wide variety of Roman buildings and links them with the theme of Roman Urbanism.

Free Classics Course Online The course is offered by Notre Dame University in which interested students will study the ancient Greek and Latin languages, archeology, art and religion of ancient Greeks and Romans.

Interesting facts about Classical World training courses online.

  • It is a rewarding career since it is not crowded both in USA and in Canada. A person who has done the bachelor’s degree will earn $35,196 – $43,455, a Master of Science (MS) , Exercise Science will earn $35,234 – $42,457, a Master of Science (MS), Exercise Physiology will earn $35,872 – $50,868 while the one who has done Master of Science (MS), Clinical Exercise Physiology will earn $34,500 – $44,494.
  • The average yearly salary for Historian is $68,000. If you are just beginning to work as a Historian, you could expect a starting pay of $56,000. As is true for most careers, you can expect your pay rate to increase the longer you are employed. You could make an income of around $80,000 after some time.
  • During its national salary survey of 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics collated pay information from 3,620 historians working throughout the United States.
  • It calculated that the average yearly salary for the profession was $56,350, equivalent to $4,696 per month, or $27.09 an hour.
  • Historians among the bottom 10 percent of earners received an average of $25,850, while their contemporaries in the top 10 percent earned $95,750. The bureau’s average roughly corresponds to a survey of historian vacancies conducted by wage comparison website Salary List in 2011, which put the annual average somewhat lower, at $49,965.