
Turkiye.gov.tr is the website of reference for any student in Turkey looking for a public service. It provides all the information that a citizen of the country is looking for online. The purpose of the website is to make sure that the average person living in Turkey has access to all public institutions, businesses, information and communication technologies. This is to provide the basic needs to the citizens.


Turkish institutions

Turkiye.gov.tr : the website for Turkish institutions

The idea with Turkiye.gov.tr is to create a single place online where any web enthusiast interested in public services in Turkey can go to and find out more about what the country has to offer. All institutions of the states have their information saved on the website for public record. The website gives away the physical address and all the important information that one needs to get in order to contact the right institution.

Citizens can registers on the website and maintain their account. This gives them access to even more reliable information about institutions and what they are all about.

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