How to manage Your EXO Online And The Settings Of AD User MBX, If You Are Using Dirsysnc And Rich Coexistence

Office 365 has become very popular with many people around the world. However, some admin has noticed that licensing is one of the biggest parts of their job. Licensing involves giving and revoking licenses to people who have been hired. In general it does involve giving licenses to new people who have been hired and removing the licenses to people who have been fired. However, there is a way where an online administrator removes the online license and online user’s exchange among many others that are to be disabled and assigned the online users.

Information to note-on premises active directory (AD user MBX)

Therefore, when you decide to follow this method, there are certain things that you should consider knowing. Well, these methods are by the use of exchange rich coexistence and directory synchronization. These two methods share the same free/busy lookups SMTP Namespace, and many more. Therefore, you should follow the above process when waiting to either delete or disable any users online. The process is not long. Moreover, it is very easy for anyone to understand and practice.

Deleting or disabling on premises active directory (AD user MBX)

Well, if you are using directory synchronization and active directory, it is important to note that all authority for all online subjects like users, groups, contacts and many others have to be maintained within the active directory. Therefore, here comes the question, how do you delete or disable any users? Well, below shows a process that you will understand very easily. Moreover, the direction is direct thereby making it very easy for anyone to master.

01. Deleting

Deleting is permanently removing any user license and any other information. Well, to delete any user, the steps to follow are very easy. Moreover, it involves removing any user’s account from all accounts. Therefore, it is important that you would rather remove the user from your profile online environment and you have to make this update permanent thereafter, you should make sure that you remove the on-premises active directory user account as well as leverage Dir sync to make sure the removal process has occurred in the cloud.

Through this process, it will remove any online user as well as any mailbox that is associated with the user’s account. However, if the admin of the office 365 wants to save any data, they can do so through logging in the EXO MBX through outlook and keep every content up-to-date.

02. Disabling

Disabling the leverage dirsync and on-premises active directory so that it can be pushed to the cloud does not remove any user license or mailbox.  No! It only disables the user. Moreover, the MBX can be used through Exchange online mailbox search/eDiscovery. Remember, this is not deleting, therefore this information would be visible and can be accessed.

However, there are certain situations that an online administration to remove an exchange online license from any user located in on-premise activity directory and synchronize it within office 365. However, using this method to remove any online user license, the following will happen.

NOTE: if the exchange online license is removed from someone’s office 365 even without using the above options for either deleting or disabling the online user will still have the EXO, MBX disconnected. This is not good because this is available by the online user to restore it for up to 30 days after the initial date of removal or delete. However, since the user’s MBX originally was from an On-premises active directory and exchange environment, the removal process will not flow through directory synchronization, which will leave the on-premises mail disabled. This will continuously rout mail to the online users who no longer have an EXO license.

Therefore, the best way to go about this is by managing the user account, you can use either delete or disable, and that will only allow the following to happen.

  1. Deleting in AD: this removes the user from AD. The delete is no more target address for On-premises exchange to use in the redirecting of mails to the online user’s MBX.
  2. Disable in AD: this will allow the active directory mail enables users to be maintained, which allows in turn allows the on-premise exchange to redirect mail to this online user even if the account has been disabled.

NOTE: it is very important to note how important it is to manage the user rather than the license itself.

Well, if the article has been informative and helpful to you, you should consider reading Navigation of office 365: the Microsoft online portal as this article will help you also.


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