list courses for free

Free course listings:

Welcome to the open forum for free courses online. We welcome more free listings from Universities, Colleges and online learning facilities and will use the open forum to review any suggested content that may be added to

Contributers from communities worldwide may have useful content to share, we are looking in particular also for contributors from CHINA and developing countries to share with the west any learning materials they have, as currently due to the availability of content we are perceived as a western world provider, which certainly is not the case. Currently with the exception of language training, all new content should be provided in the English language.

Please use this section to inform us publically of the following:

1. Any free courses that will be useful to learners;

2. Any courses that are free but certification fees may be charged additionally and optionally;

3. Online university courses and degrees, short courses and college courses;

4. Work based learning that will benefit communities and people in the workplace;

6. Anything learning related that you feel is worth sharing.

7. Any new categories, especially careers that you feel may not have been included in our main list of courses

This section is non commercial so we would appreciate if owners of commercial businesses refrain from posting courses which charges a fee upfront. Should you wish to advertise with us, you may use the google adwords placement facility and specify our website for your content.

Now it’s your turn – please post free course suggestions here: